.Many churches are now offering their congregants the option of online giving. In fact, 61% of churches in America are participating.  Online giving works just like normal offering. You have the option to donate to the ministries of your choice and set up recurring gifts or a one-time gift. 


When you enter the page,  you can select the ministry you'd like to donate to and the amount you'd like to donate. Then, you can enter your card number and select if you'd like this to be a recurring gift. If you make this selection, you will be asked to create an account.   


As we work with an organization to help us collect online offering, there is a convenience fee that needs to be paid. If you would like to help us with this fee, simply check the option to "pay convenience fee." If you'd prefer not to, the fee will be taken out of your donation.  


We also have text giving available as well. To give via text, text "GIVE"  to  (734)  396-4334. 


easyTithe is the company we work with to collect online offering.  They use the highest set of security standards in the payment card industry. No one will have access to your sensitive information that might lead to an unauthorized transaction.


We will still receive offering in the usual manner. This is just another option you may use.